Friday, August 04, 2006

Auroville News & Notes No.150, July 29th,'06

29 July 2006 A weekly bulletin for residents of Auroville Number 150
2 News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150]
Mother’s Agenda
My help is there for all those who need it - it's the ego that prevents people from receiving it. Does V. understand
the difference between the ego and the psychic being? ... Ego is the obstruction. Ego was necessary to
shape humanity, but we are now preparing the way for a superhumanity, a supra- humanity. The job of the ego is
over - it did its job well, now it must disappear. And it is the psychic being, the Divine's representative in man,
which will stay on and pass into the next species. So we must learn to gather all our being around the psychic.
Those who wish to pass to the supra-humanity must get rid of the ego and concentrate themselves around the psychic
But does he know the difference between the ego and the psychic? Because the ego is very artful - a rogue!
13 April 1972
(Mother had some cardiac trouble the day before.)
Me ... (laughing) it's all right. It's one difficult thing after another. Yesterday was what I call the "change of
government" for the heart, so ... it's a difficult moment. But now it's all right.
The other day, when I saw that little child playing (I still see it), on top of a HUGE mental head, kicking it -
it's the supramental. But what are we going to call that being? ... We mustn't call it "superman," it isn't the superman:
it's the supramental. Because, you see, the transition from animal to man is clear to us; the transition from
man to supramental being is accomplished (or isn't) through the superman - there may be a few supermen (there
are) who will actually make that transition, but that's not actually how it works. First, that supramental being has
to be born.
Now it's becoming plainer and plainer. The other day, I saw that little being (symbolically a child) sitting on
a big mental head: it was the supramental being sitting, to symbolize its "independence," I could say, over the
Things are becoming clearer. But we are just in the transitional period, the most difficult time.
Will some reach a similar state - at least similar or at any rate precursor to the supramental? Such seems to be the
present attempt, what is taking place now. And so you are no longer on this side, not yet on the other - you are ...
(gesture in suspense). Rather a precarious condition.
Evidently, all those who are born now and are here now have asked to participate in this, they have prepared
for it in previous lives. From the standpoint of global knowledge, it would be interesting to know what's happening
and how it's happening. But from the individual standpoint, it's not exactly pleasant (!), the period is difficult:
you are no longer on this side, not yet on the other - just in between. There we stand. […]
So, in other words, the new being you saw is the supramental baby!
(Laughing) Yes! But I think this "baby" is a baby only symbolically.... I don't know if he will come as a child and then
grow up - I have no idea. There are still some things that I don't know - plenty!
But what happened the day before yesterday is that, in the middle of the night, the heart passed from the
old government of Nature to the divine government, so at one point there was ... it was difficult. But accompanied
by a ... strange sensation, a sort of feeling that ... the closest thing is the psychic consciousness. It has been governing
the being for a long, long time - that's why the mind and the vital could be removed, because the psychic
being had taken up the reins long, long ago.
As a matter of fact, I wanted to tell you (I don't know if I did): the first time I went to Tlemcen (I don't remember
the year), the first day I arrived at Tlemcen, Theon came to meet me and said ... (I didn't understand
then, but now I do!), he said, "You are now alone with me, aren't you afraid?" And I replied (I was absolutely conscious
and calm).... I remember we were walking in his huge estate, we were walking up towards the house, and I
told him (Mother raises her index finger), "My psychic being governs me - I am afraid of nothing." Well ... (gesture
of Theon starting as if he had been burned).
I acquired that psychic consciousness just before leaving for Tlemcen. And it grew stronger there. It struck
me, I never forgot it. All at once, my psychic being was there: "I am conscious of my psychic being, it protects me, I
fear nothing...." Those may not have been the exact words, I don't know, but that was the general reply.
15 April 1972
Submitted by the House of Mother’s Agenda
Cover ‘Apsara and stone dragon’ by Jin Ah
News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150] 3
Resident's Assembly on Entry and Exit Regulations:
There will be a RA meeting on August 17th, at 5pm, at SAWCHU, to ratify one or more proposals on the Entry and Exit
Regulations prepared by the three study groups of the Residents Assembly on this subject.
Please remember that all three proposals were attached to the News and Notes, dated 8th July 2006.
All Aurovilians and Newcomers are welcome. The Working Committee
Sri Aurobindo's Room Darshan
Tuesday 15th August 2006. This is a service to Aurovilians
and Newcomers. You are welcome to register your
name(s) from Monday August 7th to Thursday 10th
from 9 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 6 pm
at Agni Jata - Auromodèle.
For people who want to use Auroville Bus, please come
individually to register your name(s) on Tuesday 8th. For
those who want take the bus but cannot come to
Auromodèle, please phone on Tuesday 8th after 9 am at
At Her Service, Mallika
From Pour Tous Distribution Centre
Pour Tous Distribution Centre will be closed Monday 31,
July for end-of-the-month inventory.
Thank you for your support!
From the Working Committee
Dear Aurovilians: Please read very attentively the following
(3) letters from the Secretary Auroville Foundation
regarding the visa conditions with regard to Aurovilians
working and/or traveling in India for periods longer
than two weeks.
Best regards from the Working Committee
Tel: (0413 ) 2622 222 & 2622 414 - Fax:( 0413) 2623 496
- E-mail:
20th July 2006 - P.R.Srinivasamurty, Officiating Secretary
No. AF/V/3/1245
To: The Working Committee, Auroville
Dear Members,
I am enclosing herewith the correspondence on the issue
of (1) Aurovilians working or seeking employment outside
of Auroville i.e. organizations/projects not relatable
to Auroville on regular/temporary/contractual Basis.
(2) Aurovilians / Newcomers leaving their places of
residence for more Than two weeks without informing
the Regional Registration Officer and Office of The
Auroville Foundation. The above two issues are being
reminded through the Working Committee to all individual/
foreigners concerned , who may be advised to follow
the instructions of Immigration scrupulously.
Yours faithfully,
(P.R.Srinivasamurty) Officiating Secretary
TEL: 2622 222 & 2622 414 - FAX: 91 . 413 . 2623 496
6th October, 1998 - P.R. Srinivasamurty, Finance &
Acmn. Officer
No. AF/ V/ 3 / 1769
To: The Working Committee, Auroville
Dear Members,
It has come to our notice that some Aurovilians are
seeking Employment, work, consultancy, contractual
jobs etc. with
Institutions that are not relatable to Auroville. Such acceptance
of employment is in violation of the stipulations
that go with the issue of entry visa in the case of
foreign nationals. Those who take up employment outside
Auroville, on a casual or regular basis can no longer
be considered as honorary voluntary workers and therefore,
their residential permits are likely to be cancelled
by the Immigration authorities.
Any individual working outside Auroville, or desirous of
seeking such work, consultancy etc. may be advised to
contact the office of the Secretary, Auroville Foundation
and the Immigration Officer in Pondicherry, for more
detailed clarification .Please advise all concerned that
the Immigration authorities/Ministry of Home Affairs will
view any violation of visa conditions extremely seriously.
Yours faithfully,
(P.R.Srinivasamurty) Finance & Admn. Officer
605 101, V.R.P.DISTT., TAMIL NADU.
TEL: 2622 222 , 2622 414FAX: 91 .413. 2623 496
N. Bala Baskar IAS, Secretary
No. AUR/ V/ 1 -3 1050 / 97
To: The Working Committee, Auroville
Dear Members,
I have been given to understand that there have been
incidents of foreigners resident in Auroville being absent
from their registered address for continuous periods exceeding
two weeks, without prior report to the Regional
Registration Officer.
The matter is being viewed with serious concern by the
Government. As you are aware, prior report to the Regional
Registration Officer is a condition prescribed in
Rule 10 of the Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1939. I
have enclosed a copy of Rule 10 for your reference. Any
violation would attract some penalties under Section 5
6 News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150]
of the Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939. Please ensure
that these provisions are given wide publicity and
that individual foreigners resident of Auroville are advised
to ensure compliance.
Yours faithfully,
(N. Bala Baskar), Secretary
To all units / services that may be or want to
be employing / training foreigners (involving salaries
/ fees) and for whom they recommend Employment
/ Student Visas:
Please take note that the executives of your unit / service
may issue a recommendation letter for such foreigners
to come and work in Auroville so that the Visa
can be processed in RRO upon their arrival. However,
since we have been officially informed that it is required
to have a recommendation letter from the Secretary
Auroville Foundation as well, it is indispensable
that detailed information is provided to the Secretary
Auroville Foundation prior to the issuing of the letter of
recommendation, to ensure that there will be no problems
arising in RRO later on. The information should
be given to the Working Committee so that we can
forward it to the Foundation office. If there are at present
such cases, holding already their visas, please
send to us also the details about them. For any clarification,
please contact the WC. With warmest regards,
the Working Committee
Study Group to amend Funds and Assets
Management Committee Rules
Dear Aurovilians: The Study Group that was called by
the Working Committee to look into the proposal of Dr.
Karan Singh to amend the Rules with regard to the constitution
of the FAMC has met several times. In response,
we propose to convey the following points to
the Governing Board to accompany our proposed alternative
amendment to the Rules, which appears below.
a) We understand and agree with the need to reformulate
the rules regarding the FAMC.
b) We are aware of points raised by the IPAI auditors
and understand that the funds and assets of Auroville
need to be managed according to established legal and
accounting systems. We would appreciate the possibility
to enter into an in depth review and assessment of the
Rules regarding financial management of the Foundation’s
funds and assets and the appropriateness of the
Trust system and its current functioning. Representatives
of the RA, GB, Secretary’s office and relevant
technical advisors (IPAI, other government officials, financial
and legal advisors) could be selected to work
together on this.
c) We understand and agree that the Governing Board
has the responsibility to secure proper management of
the funds and assets of Auroville.
d) We would like to strengthen the understanding and
collaboration between the Governing Board and the
Residents Assembly towards the implementation of the
ideals and objectives of Auroville. Therefore, we are
proposing that the FAMC is jointly constituted by GB and
RA and accountable to both.
e) Being residents, knowing the ground realities and the
practical situations, the Residents Assembly is more able
to take care of the daily management of funds and assets
of Auroville. We also are aware of the personal capacities
and background of the residents who can perform
these functions.
f) However, we would like to request the support of the
Governing Board, as well as of the Secretary of the
Auroville Foundation, to assist us in developing the most
appropriate management systems.
g) While we understand the important role of the Secretary
of the Auroville Foundation, we can not agree to
have all the decisions of a large committee subject to
his approval. This could be understood as creating a
powerless committee and has created many difficulties
in the past. Therefore, we propose that if the Secretary
has objections to a decision of the FAMC, he can place
them in front of the GB and RA for due consideration.
h) We offer our alterative amendment and request the
opportunity to meet with the Law and HRD Ministries
prior to their issuing their opinions about the appropriateness
of the formulation, and to review their recommended
formulation of the Rules amendments prior to
their notification.
i.) We are taking this opportunity to review the constitution,
mandate and internal functioning of the FAMC,
which will be presented to the Residents Assembly for
its approval.
Study Group members: Alain B., Ananda, Anandi,
Bhagwandas, Bhoomi, Claudine, Dhanapal, Dominique,
Frederick, Gerard M., Janet, Joseba, Kathryn, Lazslo,
Nele, Otto, Raman, Rathinam, Roy, Sanjeev, Serge,
Somu, Subramanian, Ulli
Sunday lunch at the Solar Kitchen
From August 6th onwards the Solar Kitchen will offer a
lunch every Sunday at the Dining Hall. Those who want
to take a tiffin, have to take a lunch-plate in the Dining
Hall and have to fill it into their tiffins themselves. It’s
necessary for the time being that everybody who wants
to receive this Sunday lunch has to book it latest until
the Friday before the concerned Sunday, with Vijaya or
Ramesh at the Solar Kitchen booking station or via
phone 2622197. This Sunday lunch will be booked and
billed separately from the monthly booking. The price
for one lunch is Rs. 30.-for children up to 15 years, and
Rs. 40.- for adults. The Economy Group is asking the
parents to bear the cost themselves for the lunch on
Sundays for their children. We hope that from September
onwards we will be able to offer it on a monthly
booking scheme.
The menu for the 6th will be: chapatti, rice, sambar,
potato-onion sabji, one salad, Rosella juice, and curd.
Bon appêtit, Solar Kitchen Team
Pour Tous Gas Bottle Service
Dear friends: Pour Tous Gas Bottle Service has shifted to
the Service Area since Monday 17th July. It is located
near the following services: Auroville Security
Service - Om Travels - SAIIER Transport Service and the
Telephone Exchange (BSNL cell phone tower). In
case you still have difficulty locating the place, please
ask the watchman with the blue uniform at the junction
of Certitude and Ediyanchavadi.
If you would like your gas bottle to be delivered with
the basket delivery van, please call us 3 days in advance
Gas Service 2622452. We deliver/pick up gas bottles
only from the spot where we deliver baskets.
If your community does not receive any Pour Tous baskets,
we will deliver/pick up your bottle to/from the
community nearest to you. Before going to the basket
drop-off point to pick up the basket or bottle, you can
News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150] 5
call our van cell 93454-00664 to know exactly where the
van is. The van often gets delayed during our
Pondy purchase trips. Pour Tous van priority is to deliver
the baskets to communities/individuals, gas bottles will
be loaded in the extra space.
If you live in the surrounding area of the Gas Bottle Service
please try to pick up the bottle yourself or by your
Since we have shifted to the Service Area, we are delivering
gas bottles to all the individuals/communities in
the Aspiration area by our van. If your
worker/staff/friend comes to pick up your bottle from
Gas Service or the van, please make sure he/she has a
note (authorization letter) with him/her.
Gas Service timings: 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00 - 4.30pm
Gas Bottle delivery time (only after receiving empty): 􀂃
Govt.14.2kg (residential use) having only 1 bottle –
􀂃 Govt.14.2kg (residential use) having 2 bottle - 7 to 21
days 􀂃 Govt.14.2kg (residential use) having more than 2
bottles - 21 to 30 days 􀂃 Govt.14.2kg (others) - 30 days
􀂃 Spic 12 kg & 17 kg - 3 days 􀂃 Refill 2 kg & 5 kg - 3 days
N.B - All bottles will be delivered only after billing.
From 1st of August ’06 Pour Tous will start charging all
commercial units, guest houses and restaurants Rs.20
per full gas bottle delivery by van and Rs.10 per empty
gas bottle picked up. The gas bottle delivery by our van
is free of charge for residences, community kitchens and
􀂃 For constructive suggestions please call Sid on 94432-
20019. 􀂃 For gas leaks call the above number anytime.
Thank you for your cooperation, the Pour Tous Team
News from Quiet:
The Quiet Healing Center fills up again after the summer
hollow. You are welcome to make appointments for
these therapists:
Massage with Rita or Cristina or Maggie; Polarity with
Mikael; Homeopathy with Nandita; Shiatsu with Vijay ;
Thai massage with Rossella; manual therapy with Fabrice;
Lymph drainage and Liquid Flow(watsu) with Dodo;
Crystal healing cum sound bed with Renate; Acupuncture
with Martelle; Liquid Flow with Veronique and
Friedericke and Tineke.
Yoga classes with Dodo will start again on August 2nd at
4.30 pm. Please note the slightly changed timings:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4.30 to 6 pm. Don't
worry if you feel stiff from lack of practice, we all have
to get back in shape, right !? Look forward to see you all
on the mat.
News from the Blue Berry Library:
Dear small and big book lover: on Monday 31July at
3.30pm we are reading "From Head to Toe" in different
translations to you. See you there. Love, Michaela
Upset?! Yes
Satya ( which means knowledge in Sanskrit!), a business
man from Edayanchavadi decided to start up his
shop/business selling cool drinks, tea and cigarettes in
the heart of Auroville, between Certitude and the Solar
Kitchen. We are asking for your cooperation in not buying
anything from him; we are trying by all means to
hinder this business. Let us join hands and let us unite
our wills together to deal with this situation. Meantime
various groups and individuals are working on it.
Vanakam, Namaste, Thank You, Merci, Ancolie
The following building applications have been submitted
to the APDC. Feedback from the community is welcome
within two weeks from the date of publication. If anyone
wishes to have detailed information when a building
application is published, feel free to contact the APDC
office: 262-2056.
􀂁 1 Martin, Fraternity, Storeroom Extension for
Children and Trees Environmental Center
􀂁 2 Stephenraj, Isaimbalam, House Extension
Please remember that you have to pick up your NOC
(Non Objection Certificate) after the two weeks feedback
at our desk in order to validate the permission.
From Dayakara Veterinary Dispensary
Dear Pet Owners: Dayakara Veterinary Dispensary is
open for free treatment from 9 am to 5 pm. (Sunday
From August 1, 2006 we will collect Rs. 20./ (twenty)
admission fee when you come for the first treatment
with your pet. (Valid 3 days) Dayakara Trust does not
have an account with the Financial Service and all donations
or payments (for Animal Birth Control operations
or vaccines) have to be made in cash or cheque. A receipt
will be given.
For information regarding ABC or vaccination please call
2622980. Dr. S. Lakshmi B.V.Sc
Auroville messenger service/News delivery
We regret to inform you that the Auroville Messenger
can no longer receive either cash or checks to be delivered
within Auroville. Kindly make other arrangements
for this service. We regret the inconvenience it may
cause. Also, there will be no messenger service between
August 1 – 15th. We will do our best to distribute the
New & Notes as usual, but please be patient with us as
exceptional circumstances have arisen.
Bunty: new phone number
Dear All: My new mobile number is 94437 90168. I
have cancelled the previous number of 94432 62584.
Regards, Bunty
International Conference on Nature and Human
Nature: call for papers
Pondicherry University, Department of English, International
Conference on Nature and Human Nature: Land,
Landscape and Cultural Constructions of the Environment
- 21st - 23rd September, Venue: Pondicherry University,
The Conference intends to closely-examine the intimate
relations and biological ties existing between Literature
and the Environment. This would form the major concern
of the Conference—the living connection between
nature and the human being. Detailed information can
6 News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150]
be obtained from the Conference Coordinator:Dr S Murali,, or
More Tips for Water Conservation:
Vehicles: Use a bucket of water (rather than a running
hose) to wash vehicles. For those that are meticulous
with their motorbikes, use a dry cloth to remove the
dust and only clean with water when really needed. If
you have tips you would like to share or are interested
in joining the Water Awareness Team (WAT) please
email or
Nirodbaran was laid to rest in the late afternoon of 18th July at Cazanove, the Ashram garden. (He was not cremated)
L O O K I N G F O R . . .
Spanish book
¿Alguien podria prestarme el original de SUEÑA del Instituto
Cervantes, para hacer unas fotocopias? He visto los
originales en el ALL y he pensado que el original podria
estar en Auroville... Gracias mil... Matilde 2622-499
House sitter at Quiet
I will be out from the end of August to mid October and
my house at Quiet will be free. The stay does involve
feeding some pets. If you are interested please call
Nandita at 2623007 and leave a clear message with your
number or
Looking for a home
I am a Newcomer (Swiss, single) and I am looking for a
house or apartment where I can stay during my Newcomer
period. I would be happy if you call me 93 444 33
007. Thank you for your help. Rosa
Yummy Cakes!
Agnes' healthy vegan cakes sold out too fast last time.
So now they will be available Fridays, Saturdays,
Mondays and Tuesdays at Farm Fresh.
Used Hero Honda Motorbike
Hero Honda Splendour, 75000 km, excellent condition,
recently painted and serviced big time, reasonably
priced,you can reach me: or
2622623 evenings
Wooden Baby Cot
Sparingly used imported wooden baby cot with wheels, 2
large drawers for storage, mattress, side bumpers and
mosquito net available. Dimensions: 125 x 80 cms. Contact:
Vijay Arya, 23 Aurobindo Street, Pondicherry – 1,
Mob: 93454 00203, Thank you very much.
L O S T & F O U N D
Lost: bunch of keys
A bunch of house keys (@5) on a black and white leather
hanger was lost last Saturday or Sunday in the Centre
area. If you find them please contact the News & Notes
Found: gold chain
Last week a thin gold chain was found under the table at
the City Center Café. Pass by the News & Notes office if
it is yours.
To Chennai Airport
Anybody want to share a taxi to Chennai airport on July 30, Sunday? Departure from Auroville will be at 10:00pm.
Telephone: 2655138 Fabrice
At the Amphitheatre
Savitri reading on Thursday 3 August, 6 pm:
All are welcome to listen to Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem
Savitri, read by The Mother, with Sunil’s music,
under the vast open sky at sunset
We will sing Mother's mantra guided by Joy, accompanied by Agni and Maurizio on acoustic guitars
News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150] 5
Sunday 6 August, 7.00 pm
At the Solar Café on Saturday, August 5th, from 8:00 to 12:00. Remember that all Auroville dance
parties are only for Aurovilians and guests and we will continue in our usual mode. We hope to see
many new faces and new dancers.
The Auroville Dance Collective
Deep Relaxation Sessions: Yoga Nidra
At Transition ATB Hall every Wednesday, 4:30pm sharp, starting on the 2nd of August anyone who is interested is welcome.
If you need more information please call Aloka at 2622336 after 6 pm.
Inner Way Tai Chi School, at Tai Chi Hall – Sharnga
Presents: The Art of Chi Stevanovitch’s method
Tai Chi Chuan Workshops: 􀂙 7- 12 August 􀂙 14-19 August, 􀂙 21-26 August
From Monday to Saturday: 7:30-10:30 am For Beginners, Chi and Tai Chi basics.
First step through the 24 postures
Our work is essentially directed towards:
1. Mastery of the body through breathing and muscular relaxation
2. Improvement of movement through balance and coordination.
3. Learning to mobilize Chi.
First perceiving it, then guiding it in one’s body with the use of three factors: will, imagination and muscular activity.
Information and booking: Marco phone: 2622654 (after August 1) or
􀂚 Cinema 􀂙
at the Sri Aurobindo Auditorium, Bharat Nivas
FRIDAY 4 August - 7.30 PM (Film show starting at 7.45 sharp!)
"MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA" - Directed by Rob MARSHAL, USA, 2005
With: Zyang Ziyi, Michelle Yeoh, Ken Watanabe, Gong Li
Synopsis: "The very word 'geisha' means artist and to be a geisha is to be judged as a moving work of art," as Mameha
(Michelle Yeoh) tells little Chyio who grows up to be one of the most celebrated Japanese geisha. Based on
Arthur Golden's novel, and romanticized, for the sake of cinema…
Original English version - Duration: 2h50' - 35mm film - Colour. Not for children
6 News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150]
S A V I T R I B H A V A N – AUGUST 2006
Sculptures by Michel N.
In the New Hall July 24 – August 5
Sunday morning, 10.30–12: Savitri Study Circle –
evening, 5–6.00 : Foundations of Indian Culture
led by Kittu Reddy
Monday & Tuesday, 4-5pm: Cultivating Concentration led by Jai Singh
Wednesday, 4–5pm: Notes on the Way – The Mother’s recorded talks (details below)
Thursday, 4–5: The English of Savitri led by Shraddhavan
Friday, 5–6.30pm: The Synthesis of Yoga led by Sraddhalu
Wednesdays 4–5 pm
Recordings from Mother’s Agenda selected by her for publication in the Ashram Bulletin
These talks are in French. A transcript in French with an English translation is provided.
August 02.08 : Talk of 16.01.71: Something in physical world not yet open to the divine vibration; Matter
being prepared to receive.
August 09.08 : Talk of 03.03.71: New way of seeing and hearing; Struggle against people who come here to
be comfortable.
01.05.71: World in turmoil: one must rise above; Find the Divine in the world as it is.
August 16.08 : Talk of 22.05 71: Catastrophe or true victory; Decisive victory over adverse forces.
August 23.08 : Talk of 09.06.71: Body knows it exists only through the Divine.
August 30.08 : Talk of 21.07.71: “I am beginning to know what is going to happen”; Human consciousness
deforms divine Action; Passage from this life to that Life.
Office, Exhibition and Reading Room: Monday – Saturday 9 – 12 and 2 – 5 pm - Everyone is welcome
Community in Russia
“Let the wind of success flow in the sail of your life” (O.Godetskii).
The last winter Arthur from Russia visited Auroville. He received bright impressions. Afterwards in July I was in his Russian
house and met his friends. He lives in a community, about 160 km south west of Moscow in the Kaluga region. The
community is called Kovcheg, it means the arc. It is situated in a field of about one square km between the small patches
of forest. About 70 families are living in this community. Each of them has a hector of land for a house and for planting.
Some families don’t stay there in winter time, but they want to be permanently in the community after finishing their
houses. Now the age of the community is only five years. They have some rules of life: each family is planting wild trees
and bushes on ¼-1/3 of its land. The fences are of living plants. The people of the community can’t use any poison for
defense of plants. They refuse to use chemical manures. If the members of Kovcheg have animals, they are not allowed
to kill them. It is impossible to perform any activity which is bad for the environment. I think that Arthur is King Arthur’s
new incarnation and his friends are the Knights of the Round Table. After returning to Kovcheg from Auroville, Arthur
talked about our experience. The members of the community have a great interest in our life. I had talks with nice people
(Foedor, Alexander, Valentina, Anna and others) of the Kovcheg. I’m sure that Foedor is Foedor Dostoevskii’s new
incarnation. They all want to have continuous contact with Auroville. Without doubt it will happen. Arthur, Foedor and all
News & Notes 22 July 2006 [149] 9
Russian Knights of the Round Table are our sincere friends. The spirit of Kovcheg is eco-friendly; it’s close to Auroville’s
spirit. Aurovilians and Kovcheg’s members are living in the green world without the poisons. by Boris
Cinema Paradiso
MMC Auditorium
Film programme
Tuesday 1 August, 8 pm:
USA , 2005, Dir. James McTeigue, with Natalie Portman,
Hugo Weaving, John Hurt and more, Drama / Sci-Fi, Eng.
With Eng. subtitles, 132 min, (Rated "R" or "A").
A shadowy freedom fighter known only as "V" uses terrorist
tactics to fight against his totalitarian society.
Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds
his best chance at having an ally.
Wednesday 2 August, 8 pm:
USA,1972, Dir. Bob Fosse, with Liza Minnelli, Michael
York and more, 124 min., Eng. with Eng. subtitles,
drama / musical.
It is the city of Berlin in 1930, a time when political unrest
racks the country, the economy has been destroyed,
and millions of unemployed roam the streets.
Enter into this chaos an American cabaret dancer, working
at the downtown "Kit-Kat club" where anything goes
on the stage. Into this young dancer's life come several
characters such as a rich German politician, a young
Jewish man struggling with his identity, an Englishman
teacher from London, and of course the all-knowing, allseeing
Master of Ceremonies.
Thursday 3 August, 8pm:
France, 2003, Dir. Sylvain Chomet, voices by Béatrice
Bonifassi, Lina Boudreault and more, Animation, 80 min,
Minimal French, understood by all, mostly no language
Madame Souza raises her grandson Champion and tries
to make him happier with a baby dog, Bruno. However,
the boy remains sad, and the grandmother gives a tricycle
for him. The boy gets excited with the gift, and
trained by Madame Souza along the years, he finally
competes the Tour de France. When Champion is kidnapped
by two MIBs from the French mafia, Madame
Souza and Bruno travel to Belleville to rescue him, with
the support of the elder singers, the Belleville Sisters.
Note: From August onwards, Ashatit will be organizing
two French Thursdays. The Next session will be 10 August.
Saturday 5 August, 8 pm:
USA, 2005, Dir. Rob Marshall, with Ziyi Zhang, Suzuka
Ohgo, 145 min, Drama, Eng. with Eng subtitles.
In 1929 an impoverished nine-year-old named Chiyo
from a fishing village is sold to a geisha house in Kyoto's
Gion district and subjected to cruel treatment from the
owners and the head geisha Hatsumomo. Her stunning
beauty attracts the vindictive jealousy of Hatsumomo,
until she is rescued by and taken under the wing of
Hatsumomo's bitter rival, Mameha. Under Mameha's
mentorship, Chiyo becomes the geisha named Sayuri,
trained in all the artistic and social skills a geisha must
master in order to survive in her society. As a renowned
geisha she enters a society of wealth, privilege, and political
intrigue. As World War II looms Japan and the gei
sha's world are forever changed by the onslaught of history.
Children’s Matinee - Sunday 6 August, 3pm:
USA, 1999, Dir. Walt Disney, ages but best from 5 years
old, Eng. 85 min.
Story line: Deep within the African jungle, a mother gorilla
names an orphan baby boy Tarzan and adopts him
as her own. Tarzan develops all the instincts of a jungle
animal but soon he will find out that the world in which
he belongs is a bit different from the one he has known.
Ciné-Club - Sunday 6 August, 8 pm:
USA, 1952, Dir. Orson Welles, with Orson Welles,
Micheal Mac Liammoir, Suzanne Cloutier, B&W, 90 min.,
Eng. with French subtitles: French, Drama
The power of Welles performance should make anyone
not already an admirer stand up and take notice. The
dark, brooding nature of Welles character sets the tone
throughout this film. The Spartan sets and excellent use
of lighting add to this powerful delivery making the
words feel true and soul wrenching. "The Moor of Venice"
is a fine example of Orson Welles vast talents as a
performer and director and should not be missed.
Tamil - Monday 7 August, 8 pm:
Tamil, 2000, Dir. K.S. Ravikumar, with Kamalahasan,
Jothika, Jeyaraman and Devayani. Srilankan, 162min.
Tamil, comedy.
Thenali is a traumatized Sri Lankan Tamil, who has his
beset by a variety of elaborate phobias. A psychiatrist
Panchabutam, convinced that Thenali is impossible, refers
him to rival shrink Kailash. The doctor takes an instant
dislike to his new patient, while his wife and sister
take more of a liking to him than Kailash would like.
Interesting Sri Lankan accent, though mostly wasted on
an overdone film. Kamal overacts.
Seating will start at ~7:45pm. You can book in advance
at the Town Hall (Ph.2622250) and kindly note your
booking number (this is not a seat number).
If you book kindly come to the auditorium early. Seating
will start with those who have booked, but will
open up for general seating immediately after. If you
do not book we appreciate your patience and understanding
to let people who have booked get in first; our
effort is to minimize your waiting time. Thanks you
very much for not bringing food/ drink into the auditorium.
We appreciate for your support now and in the future.
Thanking You! MMC/CP Group
8 News & Notes 29 July 2006 [150]
News & Notes 22 July 2006 [149] 11

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