Ennio Flaiano and His Italy: Postcards from a Changing World - Page 166, Marisa S. Trubiano
- 2010 - 232 pages
Initially, the country seems to offer a lost innocence, an escape for each of the protagonists. It is described as a vantage point from which the characters can see the forthcoming ''end of the West.'' On his trip to Auroville and then ...
Frommer's India - Page 349, Pippa de Bruyn
- 2010 - 768 pages
are often better value than what is charged in Delhi and Mumbai, where much of theAuroville and ashram goods are destined. First stop has to be Mission Street to spend at least an hour at ...
Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing ... - Page 172, Abhas K. Jha
- 2010 - 370 pages
technologies India Auroville Earth Institute, Tamil Nadu, India , http://www.earth-auroville.com Development, training programs, publications, and realization of numerous constructions using earth as building material and integrating ...
Gaia and the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Poly Planet - Page 153, Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio
- 2009 - 243 pages
Auroville, in Tamil Nadu, southern India , is organized around the ... Aurovilleteaches integral yoga, the founding spiritual principle of its dual avatar leadership formed by Mirra Alfassa (also known as "The Mother") and Sri Aurobindo ...
Altered Destinations: Self, Society, and Nation in India - Page 91, Makarand Paranjape
- 2009 - 214 pages
Sanskrit is taught from childhood not only in the ashram schools, but also atAuroville, the community that the Mother founded. On 11 November 1967 , the Mother said, 'Sanskrit! Everyone should learn that. ...
Field guide to environmental engineering for development workers: ... - Page 157, James R.
Mihelcic, Lauren M. Fry, Elizabeth A ...
- 2009 - 550 pages
Auroville Earth Institute, Auroville, Tamil Nadu , India . Further Reading Cedergren, H. (1989). Seepage, drainage, and flownets. Wiley Interscience. New York . Das, Braja M. (2004). Principles of foundation engineering, fifth ed. ...
Permutations of Order: Religion and Law As Contested Sovereignties - Page 104, Thomas G. Kirsch, Bertram Turner
- 2009 - 269 pages
Roger Anger: Research on Beauty Architecture 19532008, Anupama Kundoo, Roger (CON) Anger
- 2009 - 192 pages
A sculptural plasticity and a highly individual take on the Modernist vernacular infuse all of his work; but Anger, who died in 2008, will be remembered for his ambitious master plan for the utopian Indian city of Auroville , ...
Integral ecology: uniting multiple perspectives on the natural world - Page 674 Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Michael E. Zimmerman
- 2009 - 796 pages
Humanitarian identity and the political sublime: intervention of a ..., Ashmita Khasnabish
- 2009 - 167 pages
Sustainable Homes - Page 12, Ewan McLeish
- 2009 - 48 pages ... Auroville ...
Beacons of the Light: 100 Holy People Who Have Shaped the History ..., Marcus Braybrooke
- 2009 - 681 pages
Beacons of Light is a priceless and inspiring gift from the good and open heart of one of the global interfaith movement's wisest and most respected leaders, Marcus Braybrooke.
A Doctor in Little Lhasa: One Year in Dharamsala with the Tibetans ... - Page 176 M D Timothy H Holtz
, Holtz - 2009 - 232 pages
In mid-spring, I examined a French woman who came to Delek from Auroville, an alternative/spiritual/ecological-centered European community in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. They billed themselves as a "universal town" where ...
Indian States at a Glance 2008-09, Bhandari Laveesh
- 2009 - 157 pages
Sri Aurobindo Ashram set up in 1926 by Sri Aurobindo Ghose, one of India's leading philosopher- poets, attracts devotees from all over India and from across the world. A visit to Auroville, 8 kms from the main town, shows the way of the ...
Ecopolis: Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate - Page 594, Paul F. Downton
- 2008 - 607 pages
Sullivan, WM
1994 The Dawning of Auroville
Auroville Press, Auroville. Sustainable Communities Task Force 2000 Appendix B Case Studies President's Council on Sustainable Development accessed 17 January. Swan, J. 1993 The Power of Place: ...
SELF-SUFFICIENT URBANISM: a Vision of Contraction for the ... - Page 83, Jaime Correa
- 2008 - 100 pages
Although they are not in full compliance, these few rural and urban Communities of Interest have the preliminary capacity to illustrate a world yet to come: Auroville , India Alys Beach, USA BedZed, Great Britain Berkley Ecovillage, ...
How an Average Man Lived an Adventurous Life: Includes Lists of ... - Page 290 John Linnemeier
- 2008 - 328 pages
When he got to me, I mentioned that I had been to Auroville, among other places. He asked me what the spiritual climate was like in the wake of the death of the "divine mother." This was the name by which the lady who had been in charge ...
The strides of Vishnu: Hindu culture in historical perspective - Page 226, Ariel Glucklich
- 2008 - 241 pages
See Ghose Auroville, 208 Austerities, 146, ...
Community, empowerment and sustainable development, John Blewitt
- 2008 - 204 pages
being undertaken in Auroville, a 25-year-old intentional community in India , in which countless hours of volunteer work have been used to restore despoiled areas or species. Mills is careful to distinguish between ideas of ...
Creating Peace by Being Peace: The Essene Sevenfold Path - Page 224, Gabriel Cousens
- 2008 - 264 pages
CA 94123 Animal Rights International Box 2 14 Planetarium Station New York, NY 10024 Auroville www.auroville.org A universal city in the making in south India Better World Society 11 40 Connecticut Washington, DC 20036 Beyond War ...
Who Are We? - Page 16, Vladimir Megré
- 2008 - 264 pages
Auroville was initiated in 1968 by the ... of the founder of the Integral Yoga movement Sri Aurobindo, ... Upon Aurobindo's death in 1950, she succeeded him as spiritual leader, and went on to found the Auroville community in 1968. ...
Colonialism, modernity, and religious identities: religious reform ..., Gwilym Beckerlegge
- 2008 - 274 pages
Earthrise: the dawning of a new civilization in the 21st century: ... Patrick U. Petit - 2008 - 471 pages
Earthrise The Dawning of a New Civilization in the 21st Century A Compilation of Articles by leading Pioneer Organizations Patrick U. Petit (Ed.) ...
Cities as sustainable ecosystems: principles and practices - Page 178, Peter Newman, Isabella Jennings
- 2008 - 284 pages
like Auroville in South India and Nimbin in Australia ; small rural ecovillages like Gaia Asociación in Argentina and ...
Urban utopias: the built and social architectures of alternative ... - Page 194, Malcolm Miles
- 2008 - 256 pages
(Auroville, 2000: 10) This contrasts with the mix of formality and informality, and varied scale, in the Visitor Centre, ... I end by quoting from the information booklet of the Auroville Building Centre Earth unit: A habitat is much ...
Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: eastern thought, educational ..., Claudia Eppert, Hongyu Wang
- 2008 - 379 pages
After Sri Aurobindo died in 1950, The Mother succeeded him and started building an experimental international city called Auroville to realize his teaching. The experiment is still proceeding in Auroville, which has some schools for ...
Ennio Flaiano and His Italy: Postcards from a Changing World - Page 166, Marisa S. Trubiano
- 2010 - 232 pages
Initially, the country seems to offer a lost innocence, an escape for each of the protagonists. It is described as a vantage point from which the characters can see the forthcoming ''end of the West.'' On his trip to Auroville and then ...
Sanskrit and other Indian languages Śaśiprabhā Kumāra, Jawaharlal Nehru University ... - 2007 - 222 pages
Indeed, Sanskrit is taught from childhood not only in the Ashram schools, but also atAuroville, the community that the Mother founded. On 11 November 1967 , the Mother said: "Sanskrit! Everyone should learn that. ...
Yoga Psychology and the Transformation of Consciousness: Seeing ..., Don Salmon, Jan Maslow
- 2007 - 407 pages
Based on the writings of Sri Aurobindo, the revolutionary poet and philosopher who founded the independence movement in India later led by Mahatma Ghandi, Yoga Psychology offers an integral vision with radical answers to the questions of ...
The many colors of Hinduism: a thematic-historical introduction - Page 380, Carl Olson
- 2007 - 395 pages
Larry D. Shinn
, “Auroville: Visionary Images and Social Consequences in a South Indian Utopian Community,” Religious Studies 20/2 (1984) ...
The dictionary of alternatives: utopianism and organization - Page 19, Martin Parker, Valérie Fournier, Patrick Reedy
- 2007 - 338 pages
AUROVILLE financial globalization, and its undermining of state sovereignty and citizens' power to determine their own ... Auroville is based on the vision of Indian political leader, scholar, teacher, poet and spiritual visionary Sri ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo, Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy
, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
Vladimir Yatsenko is a Sanskrit teacher in Auroville since 1993, working at Savitri Bhavan. He graduated in Sanskrit and General Linguistics from St. Petersburg University in Russia and studied Sanskrit Grammar in Poona University ...
Symbols of the Eternal Doctrine: From Shamballa to Paradise - Page 141, Helen Valborg
- 2007 - 364 pages
The great minaret of the mosque of Samarra in Iraq is a marvellous spiralling tower reaching towards heaven, and the town of Auroville in South India radiates out in a plan resembling a spiral nebula. The Ionic columns of classical ...
Yoga: an annotated bibliography of works in English, 1981-2005, Daren Callahan
- 2007 - 353 pages
The book closes with a discussion of the striking similarities between the Auroville project and Wilber's Integral Institute and calls for open ended discussion, continued research, and experimentation with both systems to find ...
Indian literature in English: critical views - Page 43, Satish Barbuddhe
- 2007 - 419 pages
His faith in the ultimate union of the world's peoples remains unshaken, for his ideals have been translated into action through the foundation of not only his Ashram but also Auroville, a symbol of human unity and world amity, ...
Women in religion, Mary Pat Fisher
- 2006 - 328 pages
A French woman, she was Aurobindo's great support and companion, and after he died she developed the town of Auroville in India to perpetuate his teachings and to create an international experimental township dedicated to spiritual ...
The After-Death Room: Journey Into Spiritual Activism - Page 91, Michael McColly
- 2006 - 262 pages
I head inland to find a bed on solid ground in Auroville, a spiritual community just outside of Pondicherry . Auroville, “the city of dawn,” was founded by Sri Aurobindo, the revolutionary turned mystic poet and philosopher, ...
Jouissance as Ananda: Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and ... - Page 233, Ashmita Khasnabish
- 2006 - 239 pages
Towards ananda: rethinking Indian art and aesthetics, Shakti Maira
- 2006 - 289 pages
no matter how imaginative the architecture, painting or sculpture, has never been easy. But it was still heartening to see this effort in Auroville. ...
Sri Aurobindo and the logic of the infinite: essays for the new ... Rod Hemsell - 2006 - 199 pages
Introduction to the Constitution of India, Brij Kishore Sharma
- 2005 - 384 pages
The Act taking over the management of Aurobindo Society was held valid because the Society and Auroville were not religious institutions. The teachings of Shri Aurobindo do not constitute a religion.138 134. M. Ismail Faruqui v. ...
Religion and law in independent India, Robert D. Baird
- 2005 - 518 pages
The Auroville Act, the justices said did not violate either the West Bengal Societies Registration Act or Articles 25 and 26 of the Constitution. For our purposes it is the Justices' discussion of the definitions of the categories ...
The other side of belief: interpreting U.G. Krishnamurti, Mukunda Rao
- 2005 - 350 pages
Auroville, supposedly an international city, looked incomplete and hopeless, and it seemed to me that any spiritual sadhana in this place, drained of all energy after the death of the Mother, was doomed to fail. ...
On the edge of the future: Esalen and the evolution of American ..., Jeffrey John Kripal, Glenn W. Shuck
- 2005 - 323 pages
This lively volume will fascinate anyone interested in the history of American religion as well as those who regard this remarkable place as the epicenter of the human potential movement.The contributors are Catherine L. Albanese, Erik ...
The re-enchantment of the West: alternative spiritualities, ... - Page 103 Christopher Hugh Partridge
- 2005 - 265 pages
conflicting political, psychedelic, cultural and spiritual influences, the East scented it all. This East-oriented eclecticism, often driven by popular culture, is brought out beautifully in the account of the origins of Auroville ...
Auroville: philosophy, performance and power in an international ... Shanti Pillai - 2005
Auroville architecture: towards new forms for a new consciousness Alan (of Auroville Communication Centre ... - 2004 - 112 pages
Architects of Auroville Peter ...
Auroville have taught the trade to even the illiterates and there has been a transfer of technicalities and the languages simultaneously. Especially, trades like dried flower decorations, scented candles, art pottery, ceramics have ...
Creative social research: rethinking theories and methods, Ananta Kumar Giri
- 2004 - 367 pages
Creative Social Research calls for a fundamental reconceptualization and transformation of contemporary research methods in the social sciences.
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