Monday, October 30, 2023

Multitudinous impression of the external world melt, alter, combine

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

Bindu Puri · 2022 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
Metaphysics, Ethics and Spirituality Bindu Puri. order translations into English. Sri Aurobindo studied Classics in ... western influence on his own writings. My philosophy, he said, “was formed first by the study of the Upanishads and ...

Susil Kumar Maitra · 2000 · ‎No preview · ‎More editions

Daniel Albuquerque · 2004 · ‎No preview
The Work Sectors To Understand The Spirit Of Sri Aurobindo Thorugh Some Select Glimpses Into His Written Work.

Ujjwala Kakarla · 2017 · ‎No preview · ‎More editions

Satprem · 2018 · ‎No preview · ‎More editions
This now classic introduction to Sri Aurobindo not only tells us the story of his life-in itself a remarkable adventure-but Satprem also takes us along in a methodical exploration of Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, showing how it leads to a ... › books
Aurobindo Ghose, ‎Robert A. McDermott · 2001 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
Sri Aurobindo stands out as one of the most profound and profoundly relevant of contemporary Asian spiritual masters speaking to the West.

2015 · ‎No preview
Highly recommended!" Michael "I am quite moved by your analysis of the great book "Life Divine" by Sri Aurobindo. Never have I come across such a profound analysis of the book.

M. G. Umar · 2001 · ‎Snippet view
This work is essentially a collection of essays on Sri Aurobindo's thought and Yoga, based upon his major works. Brief life-sketches of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are included to give a sense of fullness to it.

Dr. Ujjwala Kakarla · 2017 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
... western poetics on the other hand studies how the multitudinous impression of the external world melt, alter, combine in the crucible of the poet's mind and emerge as a harmonious whole ... Western Aesthetics in Sri Aurobindo's Criticism.
Robert McDermott, ‎Robert A. McDermott · 2012 · ‎No preview · ‎More editions
" --Sri Aurobindo For everyone interested in the philosophical and spiritual vision of the great Indian thinker Sri Aurobindo, the revolutionary turned yogi, this outstanding collection of masterly introductions, first published in 1974, ...

William Kluback, ‎Michael Finkenthal · 2001 · ‎Snippet view
This is a book about a poet and a philosopher who, through his entire work, tried to bring together East and West.

In this book an attempt has been made to compare the two legendary writers by comparing the eastern way of thinking with the western way.

“Having some basic critical thinking skills is a prerequisite of being a good citizen in a democracy. If you are too easily swayed by rhetoric, weak at analysing arguments and prone to all kinds of biases you're unaware of, how can you engage politically?”

Basically, they were more of public announcements, made in a threatening voice, not dissimilar to a SBI clerk who is about to go for Lunch. Inspite of that, things were selling, People and companies were happy. Then things changed. Enter the hero of our Story, Edward Bernays

Bernays had studied agriculture, but he quickly realized that his talents were elsewhere. In that he was inspired by his uncle. His Uncle was not an ordinary man. He was a guy named Sigmund Freud. 

Yes, the same "All you think about is Sex" Sigmund Freud. And with that decision, Bernays took the first step in a journey which would change advertising forever. Bernays was enamored by Freud's theory that people are motivated by subconscious desires. And if he appealed to those desires, he can make them do what they want.

He theorized that if ads appealed to that subconscious desire, they will be much more effective. He realized that ads should not only inform people, but actually change the way people think. Bernays had found his goldmine and started to put his theories into practice

You are and will be influenced by Edward Bernays.

P:S : Want to learn more about him and also how psychology has deep connections with advertising and how it shaped the world, watch this amazing 4 part documentary - Century of the self, on YouTube.


The education system continues to ignore the psychological elements that are essential for coping with social changes and the pressures that come with it. A juvenile view of life and the world is accepted by everyone as truth. Fortunately, Sri Aurobindo's philosophy is profound.

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