A Concise Companion to Postcolonial Literature - Page 82 Shirley Chew, David Richards - 2010 - 256 pages
Aurobindo wittily offers an alternative perspective on great European writers, showing how, had the Indians been in the dominant position of assessing European writing, they might have dismissed The Iliad as a crude and primitive epos, ...
The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology - Page 830 Irving B. Weiner, W. Edward Craighead - 2010 - 528 pages
Forty years later, in 1986, Sen published a book in India by that title, Integral Psychology: The Psychological System of Sri Aurobindo. On a somewhat parallel track, another student of Aurobindo, Haridas Chaudhuri, further developed an ...
Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and ... - Page 96 Shashi Motilal - 2010 - 372 pages
As Sri Aurobindo puts it, '[...] more deeply it enjoins a spiritual or ethical purity of the mind with action as one outward index'. ... (Sri Aurobindo, 1959: 92) It is thus tripartite, consisting of knowledge, will and action. ...
The Way Home: Making Heaven on Earth - Page 239 Madis Senner - 2009 - 260 pages
Sri Aurobindo calls the level above the mental plane as the Supermind, or infinite truth consciousness. ... Sri Aurobindo calls it the vital. Theosophists see it consisting of two parts the etheric double (which deals with energy) and ...
Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New ... Sharda Shirley Nandram, Margot Esther Borden - 2009 - 263 pages
Spirituality is presented in this book as a possibility for providing a non-denominational inspiration and framework - both in theory and practice - for bringing about an inner transformation resulting in a new paradigm for business and ...
Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential Michael Bernard Beckwith - 2009 - 272 pages
A spiritual leader featured in The Secret challenges readers to search within themselves for the key to unlocking their future and changing their lives in amazing ways, in a book that teaches inner spiritual work, rather than religiosity or ...
Terror and the Postcolonial: A Concise Companion - Page 161 Elleke Boehmer, Stephen Morton - 2009 - 395 pages
The ideology of revolutionary publicists such as Bipin Chandra Pal and Aurobindo Ghose, although formed in part from a ... Extremist political leaders differed over the question of force: Bipin Chandra Pal was opposed; Aurobindo was in ... The question of violence versus non-violence would remain a live one throughout the history of the freedom struggle in Bengal . There remains the problem of the place of religion in the ideology of the revolutionaries. Aurobindo ...
Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and ... Amitav Acharya - 2009 - 242 pages
In this book, Acharya and Buzan introduce non-Western IR traditions to a Western IR audience, and challenge the dominance of Western theory.
Yoga, karma, and rebirth: a brief history and philosophy Stephen H. Phillips - 2009 - 358 pages
(Action-inducing) karmic latencies, which are to be experienced in the current or a future birth, are rooted in ... These three bring joy or suffering according to moral merit or lack thereof (in accumulated karmic latencies).17 2.15. ...
Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion - Page 62 Purushottama Bilimoria, Andrew B. Irvine - 2009 - 350 pages
Of course, Sri Aurobindo tells us rather intriguingly that there is relation, even “a sort of broken identity between the two ... Thought and its movements for Sri Aurobindo are slow, methodical, while intuition is swift and sure, ...
Permutations of Order: Religion and Law As Contested Sovereignties - Page 100 Thomas G. Kirsch, Bertram Turner - 2009 - 269 pages
The authority cited in this context was a brief text on Sri Aurobindo in the Encyclopaedia Britannica: The Encyclopaedia Britannica refers to Aurobindo again under the head idealism' and says: 'Aurobindo reinterpreting the Indian Idealistic heritage...
Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World - Page 195 Carole Lynne - 2009 - 272 pages
The Sri Aurobindo Ashram is not a religious but a spiritual community. While I am part of the religion of Spiritualism, I find it to be a religion that does not try to control my thinking. I am an ordained minister and proud to be so. ...
Transnational Transcendence: Essays on Religion and Globalization - Page 273 Thomas J. Csordas - 2009 - 338 pages
Philosophers such as Henri Bergson and Aurobindo embraced Bose's vitalistic science eagerly (Nandy
1995). Traditions of rational religion show a familiar fight against superstition and popular religion. Common Hindu practices, such as ...
Evolutionary, Spiritual Conceptions of Life - Sri Aurobindo, ... - Page 40 Dr. phil. Michael Leicht - 2008 - 52 pages
But where Aurobindo becomes for me dangerous, is when he dreams abouthis ...in Christianity to 'proof' the tenets of the revelation by the use of reason. An thereis natural religion – spiritually 'touching' experiences of nature and ...
Colonialism, modernity, and religious identities: religious reform ... Gwilym Beckerlegge - 2008 - 274 pages
In fact, Aurobindo claimed, the Indian spirit comprised 'an ingrained and dominant Spirituality', ... writes that European colonial scholars 'constituted Hinduism and brought it into relationship to the religion and science of Europe'. ...
Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought: Toward a Fusion of Horizons Rita DasGupta Sherma, Arvind Sharma - 2008 - 252 pages
Essays in this volume reflect one or more of the following categories: (1) Examination of challenges and possibilities inherent in applying Western hermeneutics to Hindu traditions. (2) Critiques of certain heuristics used, historically, to ...
The philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi for the twenty-first century Douglas Allen - 2008 - 263 pages
As a thinker, Gandhi offers us a model of ethical religion which is relatively rare in the Indian tradition. ... Both Tagore and Aurobindo, for example, were quite critical of Gandhi's moralism, even if Tagore muted his criticism in ...
The perfectibility of human nature in eastern and western thought Harold G. Coward - 2008 - 219 pages
Coward uses the striking differences in the assessment of how perfectible human nature is as the comparative focus for this book. Book jacket. [Jung and Eastern Thought (Suny Series, Transpersonal & Humanistic Psychology)
, Mantra: Hearing the Divine in India and America
, Experiencing Scripture in World Religions (Faith Meets Faith Series)
, Bhartrhari (Twayne's world authors series ; TWAS 403 : India)
, Population, Consumption, and the Environment: Religious and Secular Responses
, Hindu Ethics (Mcgill Studies in the History of Religions)
, Modern Indian Responses to Religious Pluralism
, Indian Critiques of Gandhi (Suny Series in Religious Studies)
, Sphota Theory of Language
, Derrida and Negative Theology
, Derrida and Indian Philosophy
Laws of India on religion and religious affairs: introduction, ..., Tahir Mahmood
- 2008 - 324 pages
In some other cases the courts had to decide if certain denominations were part of the Hindu religion, and they decided as follows: (i) Going by the denials of SriAurobindo that he was founding a new religion, his teachings constitute ...
Humanity, truth, and freedom: essays in modern Indian Philosophy - Page 1, Raghunath Ghosh
- 2008 - 164 pages
The chief aim and duty of human spirit, as Sri Aurobindo observed, are respect, service and progress of human being. The religion of humanity is the religion of against oppression, cruelty and exploitation. A man cannot engage himself ...
Critical Response To Indian Poetry In English - Page 57, A.N. Prasad, Bithika Sarkar
- 2008 - 346 pages
I felt that I had found my religion at last, the religion of Man, in which the infinite became defined in humanity and ... Similarly, Sri Aurobindo also shows how a larger self abides within us, by ourselves unseen, how it charges human ...
Southern theory: the global dynamics of knowledge in social science Raewyn Connell - 2007 - 272 pages
Another response was to exaggerate what the British seemed most to reject: ndianreligion. ... Nandy 's most sustained analysis is of Sri Aurobindo, the first modern Indian guru in the sense of being leader of an authoritarian cult. ...
Christian inculturation in India - Page 32 Paul M. Collins - 2007 - 234 pages
The other instance of an appeal for a religion- less age comes from SriAurobindo. He argues that the time had come for humanity to evolve into a new stage of spirituality, in which the outward-ness of religions would be left behind.40...
Religion and the secular: historical and colonial formations Timothy Fitzgerald - 2007 - 275 pages
Elite nationalists such as BG Tilak and Aurobindo Ghosh were concerned to legitimize their representative claims by actively ... of religion into politics (Cashman 1975), an inappropriate and unfortunate incursion into a secular realm....
Sages Through Ages - Volume III: India's Heritage - Page 68 K. K. Nair - 2007 - 132 pages
The world will remember with gratitude his invaluable works in the realms of philosophy and religion. "Aurobindo was one of the greatest of world figures. He was an inspiration to the nationalists of India . Looked as a religious teacher ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo, Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy
, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
Indeed religion and secularism is a subject of great importance in the context of present India . That the partition of Bengal was no solution to the Hindu- Muslim problem was long ago realized by Sri Aurobindo for he straightforwardly ...
Soulfully gay: how Harvard, sex, drugs, and integral philosophy ... Joe Perez - 2007 - 328 pages
Encompassing fourteen months in the life of a gay intellectual, an insightful memoir chronicles his personal struggle to reconcile the conflicts between homosexuality and Christianity, mysticism and madness, as he deals with fundamental ...
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