News from Puducherry (formerly Pondicherry)
Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry
Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry on 4 April 1910 to pursue a spiritual goal - the goal of supramental transformation - never before successfully attempted by anyone. While engaged in the freedom struggle in Bengal, Sri Aurobindo received an adesh (a Divine Command) to go to Pondicherry. In one of his letters to a disciple he wrote:"Pondicherry is my place of retreat, my cave of tapasya, not of the ascetic kind, but of a brand of my own invention."This year marks the centenary of his arrival at Pondicherry - a most significant event which led to a revolution in the destiny of Man, bringing in the possibility of a New World, a New Humanity whose life will be based on a higher consciousness. From the moment of his arrival at Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo was constantly engaged in the tremendous work of laying the foundations of this new world. In order to commemorate the special event there will be special Darshan on 4 April 2010.
He said:"We do not want to exclude any of the world's activities. Politics, trade, social organisation, poetry, art, literature - all will remain.But all will be given a new life, a new form..."
And then, his call for working collectively to achieve this goal:"If we are spread out everywhere as individuals, something no doubt will be done; if we are spread out everywhere in theform of a Sangha*, a hundred times more will be accomplished."[*Sangha: a collective body, divine fellowship]
The Mother's Final Arrival at Pondicherry - 24 April 2010, Darshan Day
The Mother in Japan
The Mother came to Pondicherry for the first time in March 1914. She returned to France in 1915 and then went to Japan in 1916. She returned to Pondicherry on 24 April 1920, never to leave again. On this significant date, the Mother once wrote to a disciple:
April 24:The anniversary of my return to Pondicherry, which was the tangible sign of the sure Victory over the adverse forces.
It was then that slowly the Ashram grew and took shape around Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The 24 April is also celebrated in the Ashram as one of the four Darshan days. On that day, Sri Aurobindo's room will be kept open for Darshan to the visitors.
1. Two-day Management Development Programme on 'Management by Consciousness' at Indian Institute of Management, Indore on 10 and 11 April 2010will be conducted by Prof. Saikat Sen and Ms. Smita Gupta of SAFIM, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry.2. Half-day Workshop on 'Management by Consciousness' at Prestige Institute of Management, Sri Vaishnav Institute of Management,Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences and Police Training School, Indore consecutively on 12 and 13 April 2010.3. A talk by Prof. Saikat Sen on 'Present World Situation, Indian Subcontinent and Sri Aurobindo' at Sri Aurobindo Society,Indore branch on 13 April at 7:30 pm.4. Half-day Workshop on 'Management by Consciousness' at PTC Finance India Ltd. for their Senior Executives on 16 April 2010 in New Delhiwill be conducted by Prof. Saikat Sen and Ms. Smita Gupta of SAFIM, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry.5. A talk by Prof. Saikat Sen on 'Relevance of Consciousness in Today's Business' at Sri Aurobindo Society, Noida branch on 16 April 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Recent Events
The Mother's First Arrival at Pondicherry - 29 March
The Mother came to Pondicherry on 29 March 1914 and met Sri Aurobindo for the first time. The Mother, after Her first meeting with Sri Aurobindo, wrote in Her diary:
It matters little that there are thousands of beings plunged in the densest ignorance, He whom we saw yesterday is on earth;his presence is enough to prove that a day will come when darkness shall be transformed into light, and Thy reign shall be indeedestablished upon earth.
The day, 29 March 1914, was also the beginning of what has now grown into the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and a worldwide spiritual movement.There was a collective meditation at 7:45 pm in the Ashram playground on this day.21 Feb 2010, was observed as 132nd Birth Anniversary of the Mother. The programme of the day consisted of Meditation around the Samadhi 6.00 to 6.30 am, visit to the Mother's Room and Sri Aurobindo's Room and in the evening March past at the Ashram's Playground followed by meditation. The message card contained a photograph of the Mother and the following words of the Mother.
To seek Truth freely and to approach it freely along his own lines is a man's right. But each one should know that his discovery is goodfor him alone and it is not to be imposed on others.The Mother
Meditation on inauguration day Visitors to the Exhibition A view of the Exhibition
The Society organised an Exhibition of some of its rare documents and photographs on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee year of the founding of Sri Aurobindo Society by the Mother, from 19 to 28 Feb. 2010. The Exhibition was held at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Exhibition Hall.
The Exhibition was inaugurated with a collective meditation before the Mother's chair on the 19 Feb at 9:30 am. It presented a collection of exhibits related to the Society right from its inception, and how the Mother was directly involved even in the day-to-day activities, to the minutest detail.The Exhibition covered the vast range of remarkable documents signed by the Mother such as Memorandum, Receipts, Balance Sheet, Resolution of opening the Bank Account, Minutes of the Meeting. There were a number of significant Messages given to the Society by the Mother for different occasions.
The other important photographs included the Symbol and Motto given to Sri Aurobindo Society by the Mother, the First Annual Conference of Sri Aurobindo Society, acquiring of auroville land, founding ceremony of the Matrimandir.There was a section exhibiting Sri Aurobindo Society's work, among other things, in the fields of Education, Health, Management, Indian Culture and Sanskrit, Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy, Media, Arts and Communication, Rural Development, Youth and Women, Sri Aurobindo Divine Life Education Centre: an experiment in integral living, Commerce and Business, Lake Land Project in Matrikunj, Publications of Books, Audio-Visuals and Journals, Centres and Branches with relics in India and abroad. Around 1,800 people came to see the Exhibition.On 22 Feb 2010 at 8:30 pm, there was a presentation by Vijaybhai in the courtyard of Sri Aurobindo Centre of Education, about the Mother's involvement in the working of the Society right from 1960 when it was founded by the Mother herself.Dr. Alok Pandey conducted a study camp on Sri Aurobindo's Savitri at the Society's Beach Office from 22 Feb to 28 Feb 2010. More than 200 persons attended the talks regularly.
A few of the participants with facilitators
Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Integral Management (SAFIM), a Centre of Excellence in Management of Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, has organized a one-day workshop on Value-based Management at Hotel Deccan Plaza, Chennai on 6 Feb 2010 in association with Madras Management Association (MMA). MMA Managing Director Group Captain Vijaykumar delivered the welcome speech. Prof. Saikat Sen gave an introduction to SAFIM, Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, and its various activities and the concept of Integral Management, with an audio-visual presentation. The facilitator of the workshop was Mr. Jordi Griera, Chairman, INEVAL Foundation, Barcelona, Spain.Mr. Jordi Griera conducted the workshop and highlighted the importance of Human Values in Management and how to implement these values in the present business context. Senior Corporate Executives took part in the workshop. The workshop was highly interactive in nature and participants enjoyed every session very well.
Sri Rama Navami - 24 MarchSri Rama
Eight days after Ugadi is the birthday of Sri Rama, one of the two most popular and highly revered incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Sri Rama is said to have been born at noon on this day.Many devotees of Sri Rama observe the Rama-navami vrata which commences from the previous night with fasting. The occasion is also celebrated with many religio-cultural programmes like Paaraayana or ceremonial recitation of the epic Ramayana (usually spread over the nine days from Ugadi), Hari-kathaa (discourse on mythological stories on Hari, an epithet of Vishnu, accompanied with music), classical music or devotional songs etc.Here is Sri Aurobindo's revealing words on Sri Rama and his role on earth:Rama… was the Avatar of the sattwic mind-mental, emotional, moral-and he followed the Dharma of the age and race.
[Rama's] business was to destroy Ravana and to establish the Rama-rajya-in other words, to fix for the future the possibility of an order proper to the sattwic civilised human being whogoverns his life by the reason, the finer emotions, morality, or at least moral ideals, such as truth, obedience, co-operation and harmony, the sense of domestic and public order,-to establishthis in a world still occupied by anarchic forces, the Animal mind and the powers of the vital Ego making its own satisfaction the rule of life, in other words, the Vanara and Rakshasa.This is the meaning of Rama and his life-work…
…it was Rama's business to make the world safe for the ideal of the sattwic human being by destroying the sovereignty of Ravana, the Rakshasa menace. All this he did with such a divineafflatus in his personality and action that his figure has been stamped for more than two millenniums on the mind of Indian culture, and what he stood for has dominated the reason and idealisingmind of man in all countries, and in spite of the constant revolt of the human vital, is likely to continue to do so until a greater ideal arises.
News from AbroadNairobi (Kenya)The Secretary of the Nairobi Centre gave a talk to school leavers of the Oshwal High School in the auditorium of the School, on 3 March 2010, on 'Aim of Life' and 'Approach to Examinations' from the teachings of the Mother. Three thousand three hundred booklets in eleven titles and fifty booklets on Ideal Teacher were presented to the Deputy Head Master of the school. These booklets will be distributed among the students and the staff of the school.
1. 1200 Booklets in twelve titles presented to SOS Child Village, Nairobi.2600 Booklets presented to the Kenya National Library600 Booklets presented to Dhruvs Music School, Nairobi
2. A Seminar on 'Energy Turned towards the Divine' was held at Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, Nairobi Centre on 31 Jan 2010.
The seminar began with collective recitation of "Savitri" followed by The Mother's Prayer of 21 March 1914. Then there was collective recitation of the invocation to the Divine Mother from "Savitri",after which everyone participated in 15 minutes of yogic exercises of breathing and Om chanting to receive the energy, followed by meditation.
3. A member of the Nairobi Centre Shri Madan Mohan Kochar presented the members of the Society - both in Nairobi and Puducherry T-shirts printed with the wordings "Consecration to commemoratethe Golden Jubilee year of the Sri Aurobindo Society".
Sri Aurobindo Society, Churchgate Branch, Mumbai invites all those who are interested, to attend the talks by Prof. Manoj Das from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry, on 'Consciousness' on 22 May 2010 from 5-7 pm.Talks on 'Consciousness in Our Day to Day Life: A Commonsense Approach' and 'The Evolution of Consciousness in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri' on 23 May 2010 5-7 pm by Dr. Alok Pandey from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry. Talks will be held at the address given below:
Presidency LoungeRadio Club, 157, Arthur Bunder RoadNear Taj Mahal Hotel, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005For further inquiry, please contact: 022-22043076.
Reflections on 'I Have a Dream' Workshop: I have a dream workshops were organized by SAFIER Mumbai. Workshops were held only on Saturdays for 6 Saturdays. First half of the day we had workshops for younger children (age 5 to 10 yrs) that is Art, Body Movement and Music one after the other. Second half of the day we had theatre and Yoga for older children (age 10 to 15yrs). In all 60 children participated in different workshops: Art - 11, Body Movement - 16, Music - 11, Theatre - 14, Yoga - 8.
Children at the workshop
New Delhi Branch
On 2 Jan 2010, a programme of Bhajans was organized in the Meditation Hall. Karuna didi, the head of music department of Delhi Ashram sang Bhajans. New Year message cards were distributed. Around 40 people attended the function.
5 Jan 2010 - 20 members from Yoga Joho Station, Osaka, Japan visited the Delhi Branch. The group did collective meditation; booklets on Sri Aurobindo's yoga were presented to them.8 Jan 2010 Children from 'Project Why' - NGO working among Delhi slum children have been invited every alternate Friday to spend the afternoon at the Society campus and the Navakriti School.29 Jan 2010, talk on "Kabir" by Shri Nandkishore Nandan, a retired professor of Hindi language and literature was organized. Shri Nandan expressed how Sri Aurobindo and Kabir brought in social change in community through writing and poetry. The programme was attended by Hindi Journalism students of Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication (SACAC) and devotees. A session of questions and answers followed with the students. The event was well attended.2 Feb 2010 - 17 students from Kannur University (Kerala) visited the Branch as a part of their study. The students had collective meditation with the Sadhaks at the Branch. They were exposed to the various activities of the New Delhi Branch.13 Feb 2010, a programme for Senior Citizens was organized. Dr. Ramesh Bijlani from the Delhi Ashram gave a talk on Yoga for Godden years. Thereafter the members had a session of Laughter Yoga conducted by Dr. Santosh Sahi. All the members had a memorable and eventful day at the campus. 70 people attended the function.21 Feb 2010, Delhi Branch celebrated the Birth Anniversary of the Mother on 21 Feb 2010. A programme of devotional songs was organized. Mrs. Anjali Mittal and Mrs. Meghna Sankhla sang the Bhajans in praise of the Mother. The coordination of the duo was superb. All the members present applauded for their melodious voice. Prasad and Darshan cards were distributed.26 Feb 2010, a drawing competition was held on 26 Feb 2010 for Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) School children in the age group of 4-12 years. 370 children participated in the competition from 42 schools. The children were accompanied by the school teachers. Mrs. Prem Lata Kataria, Director Education, MCD School was the Chief Guest. Eminent artists were the judges. Mr. Ranjit Puri, Chairman gave away the prices.
SACAC Programme: Workshop on Film Appreciation - 29 March to 2 April 2010Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts and Communication organized a 5 day introductory workshop on Film appreciation with legendary film historian and archivist P. K. Nair. This course is meant to initiate the participants into better understanding of cinematic expression with a historical over view.
Annanagar, Chennai (Tamil Nadu)On 31 January 2010 Annanagar centre held an open house discussion, the topic was 'After coming to the Mother'. About 40 people participated in the discussion and shared their experiences.The Centre held a talk by Shri N.V. Balu on 7 Feb 2010, on '7 Steps to Success', which was followed by questions & answers.Another open house discussion on 'Human Worries' was held on 14 Feb 2010. Almost all the participants in the discussion spoke of their worries and the effect of prayers and meditation in overcoming them. The guidelines given by the Mother to stop worrying were explained.The Mother's Birth Anniversary was celebrated on 21 Feb 2010, at the Centre with collective meditation at 6:30 pm. followed by Annai Bhajans conducted by Mrs. Santa Balu. Over 500 devotees visited the Centre throughout the day.
The Chennai Branch organized the following talks in the month of December 2009:
1 Dec 2009 Shri M.K. Ramaswamy spoke on 'Sri Aurobindo on his Poem - JIVAN MUKTHA'6 Dec 2009 Smt. Andal spoke on 'The Mother's Grace'13 Dec 2009 Eight Students delivered talks - 'Seminar for students on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother'20 Dec 2009 Dr. Tiruppur Krishnan spoke on 'Relationship - Ascetics'27 Dec 2009 Shri M.K. Ramaswamy spoke on 'Goodness'
Besides regular flower offerings and collective meditation every day, the Chennai branch organized the following talks during the months of January and Feb. 2010 as a part of their Sunday satsang:Date Name of speaker Topic
01.01.2010 Shri M.K. Ramaswamy "The Hands of God" - I03.01.2010 Director Venkat "Huta - An Introduction"10.01.2010 Shri M.K. Ramaswamy "Generosity"17.01.2010 Shri Tenkasi Ganesan "Sri Aurobindo on Gita"24.01.2010 Shri Janakan "Sri Aurobindo's views on Aswapati"31.01.2010 Shri S. Rangarajan "Mighty Impersonality"01.02.2010 Shri M.K. Ramaswamy "The Hands of God" - II07.02.2010 Shri Kavimamani Elayavan "The Mother - A Divine Designer"14.02.2010 Shri M.K. Ramaswamy "Equanimity"28.02.2010 Shri B. Jagan "A Treasure upon Earth"
The Madurai Centre conducts a Study Circle regularly on every Sunday between 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Tamil version of All India Magazine is taken up for for study.Shri V.S. Balakrishnan, Secretary of the Madurai Centre, addressed the students of the Diploma and Post-Graduate Yoga courses of the Madurai Kamarajar University at the Gandhi Memorial Museum, Madurai, on 31 Jan 2010. The subject was 'Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother'. About 120 students participated. Dr. T. Ravichandran, the course Director cum Co-ordinator of the Museum introduced the lecture and the speaker.
Pudukkottai (Tamil Nadu)Celebrated the centenary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival at Puducherry, the Mother's Birth Anniversary on 21 Feb, and the 9th Anniversary of the Centre and inauguration of a library at the Centre on 14 Feb 2010. Mrs. Anandhi Durai of Chennai delivered a talk on 'Meditation'.
On 24 January 2010, a Seminar on 'Uttarpara Speech' was organised, in Amar Nath Vidya Ashram Senior Secondary School, Mathura. Shri Dev Dutt from Sri Aurobindo Ashram spoke on the topic. The teachers of four schools & colleges participated in the programme.Fifty booklets, on 'Uttarpara Speech', were distributed in the schools. About 250 people attended the programme.26 to 27 Dec 2009 the Mathura Centre organized a seminar on 'Dharm aur Adhyatma' at Amar Nath Vidya Ashram. About 200 devotees on the first day and about 175 devotees on the second day from Delhi, Meerut, Muzuffarnagar, Sharanpur, Nandgaon, Aligarh, Sultanpur, Noida, Hardoi, Vrindavan, Govardhan and Mathura attended. Dr. J.P. Singh, Chairman of Sri Aurobindo Society U.P. & Uttaranchal State Committee, Dr. Durga Dutta Pandey, Dr. Anil Kumar Vajpayee and Dr. Aditya Kumar Vajpayee spoke on the subject.
a) The Mother's Birthday on 21 Feb 2010 was celebrated by organizing collective meditation and Playing CD on The Mother from 10 am to 11am. About 50 devotees and their families attended the celebrations.On this auspicious occasion, Sri Aurobindo Bhavan and the Holy Shrine were lit up.b) Orientation Camp for two days from 30 to 31 January 2010 was organized at Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, Noida, by Sri Aurobindo Society Zonal Committee (Hindi). Shri Vijay Poddar, Chairman, SAS Zonal Committee (Hindi); Dr. Suresh Chander Sharma from Gwalior, Dr. Archana Modi from Mahoba, Shri K. Pawan from Patiala, Shri Manoj Sharma from Bhopal, Shri Amod Kumar from Jaipur and Shri Om Prakash Dani spoke and enlightened the participants on various subjects. Total of 46 participants were benefited by the Camp.
A view of the devotees
Led by Shri Vishwa Mohan Tiwari, Air vice Marshal (Retd.), a discussion on the Gita took place at Sri Aurobindo Bhavan on every Sunday (3, 10, 17 and 24 Jan 2010) from 11am to 1pm. There were 15 participants on an average.On 14 Jan 2010 the Book 'Mata/Bhajans: Bhajans/Mata' was read (second Thursday of every month) from 5 pm to 6 pm.The Mother's Birth Anniversary was celebrated on 21 Feb 2010 with meditation followed by devotional songs. Shri D.N. Upadhyay spoke on the life and works of the Mother and about her mission at Puducherry. Dr. Upendra Kr. Singh spoke on the guidelines given by the Mother on 'Science of Living'. Shri Jagannath Prasad delivered a talk on the special points of the Integral Yoga and its difference with other traditional yoga. The programme was covered by the media.17 to 18 Jan 2010 a two-day youth camp was organized for boys and girls, conducted by Shri Kaivalya Smart. 92 boys and girls participated.Shri Pradeep Narang visited Dehradun Branch on 13 and 14 March 2010. He spoke on 'Sri Aurobindo and Sri Krishna - The Significance of 24 of November 1926'. The devotees responded to the subject and attended in good number. After the talk there was an interesting questions and answers session.4 Apr 2009 Silver Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo Society was celebrated. Mrs. Devi Wahi, Branch Chairperson, delivered a talk on 'Sri Aurobindo's Yoga'. 60 to 70 devotees were present along with the Mayor of Dehradun, Shri Vinod Chamoli.24 May 2009 talk was delivered on "Savitri" by Sri K. Pawan, Chairman of Sri Aurobindo Society, Patiala. Around 25 to 30 devotees were present.Fom 3 June 2009 a 'Study Circle' has started on every wednesday which has been appreciated by members & devotees.28 June 2009 a talk was delivered by Dr. Kiran Sood on Sri Aurobindo's 'Uttarpara Speech'.5 July 2009 a talk was delivered by Dr. Suresh Chandra Tyagi on 'Sri Aurobindo's Yoga', attended by approximately 40 devotees.12 July 2009 after meditation a talk was delivered by Mrs.Devi Wahi on the Life of Sri Aurobindo.9 Aug 2009 Mrs. Devi Wahi delivered a talk on 'Our Inmediate Goal'.6 Sep 2009 after meditation a talk on 'The Spirit of Doubt' was delivered by Mrs. Devi Wahi.20 Sep 2009 after meditation, Mrs. Devi Wahi delivered a talk on 'Then a Door Opens'.27 Sep, 4 and 18 Oct 2009, talks were delivered by Mrs. Devi Wahi on 'Sri Aurobindo's Yoga'.
8 Nov 2009 after meditation and reading of "Savitri" a talk was delivered by Prof. L. K. Srivastava on 'Sri Aurobindo's Yoga'.
15 to 22 Nov 2009 after meditation a talk was delivered by Mrs. Promila Mahajan on 'Sri Aurobindo's Yoga'.
24 Nov 2009 'Sidhi Diwas & Darshan Day' was celebrated. A talk was delivered by Prof. L. K. Srivastava along with bhajans with approximately 50 devotees present.6 Dec 2009 Anniversary of "Relics" enshrinement in Dehradun Branch was celebrated and a talk on "He is with you" was delivered by Mrs. Devi Wahi.20 Dec 2009 after silent meditation a talk was delivered by Shri R. M. Thapar on 'Sri Aurobindo'.27 Dec 2009 after meditation, Mrs. Devi Wahi delivered a talk on 'What is Love'.The morning period was scheduled for a session on organizational matters at Guruji Conference Hall in Agartala. About 100 delegates from different Centres attended and participated. The deliberations were confined to the organizational and functional aspects of the Centres and the Branches. Shri Gopal Bhattacharjee presided over the session.In the afternoon, session was mainly on celebrations pertaining to the Golden Jubilee Year of Sri Aurobindo Society. Many distinguished personalities from the city attended the afternoon session. Mr. A.B. Pal retired judge, Guwahati High Court participated as special guest on the occasion. Being the chief guest Shri Gopal Bhattacharjee delivered a talk on 'Relevance of Sri Aurobindo's Teachings and the Significance of the Golden Jubilee Year' and explained the progress made by the Society during the last 50 years. The entire programme was covered by the media.Shri Bhattacharjee visited Teliamura Centre of the Society. A devotee donated a portion of land along with a semi pacca building to Sri Aurobindo Society for the construction of a permanent building. After hoisting the Mother's Flag Shri Bhattacharjee laid the foundation stone.On 13 Jan, Gopal Bhattacharjee visited the Udepur Centre. He joined a group meditation along with members and parents of Children Corner.On 14 at Agartala head quarters he attended a joint meeting of both Agartala Branch members and State Committee members. He urged the committee to finish the first floor construction of the auditorium as soon as possible.
Pradeepbhai lighting the lamp
Pradeepbhai addressing on the occasion
The 38th Annual Conference of the Centres and Branches of the Society in Gujarat was held at Sri Aurobindo Nivas, Baroda from 9 to 10 Jan 2010. About 240 delegates from Centres and Branches attended the conference.On 9 Jan, the book on the life and works of Shri Pujalal, who was called by The Mother "My Poet", "Prem Murti Shri Pujalal" in Gujarati, written by Shri Kirit Thakkar and published by Sri Aurobindo Memorial Trust, Baroda, was released by Shri Chandrakantbhai Sheth.Shri Pradeep Narang spoke about strengthening of Centres and the celebrations during the centenary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Puducherry as well as the Golden Jubilee year of the Society.In the evening Shri Pradeep Narang gave a talk on "Manifestation in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga" as a part of the Sri Aurobindo Memorial Lecture organized by the Vadodara Mahanagar Sevasadan. The programme was attended by Dy. Mayor, Dy. Municipal Commissioner of Baroda Municipal Corporation and dignitaries from the city.On 10 Jan after meditation a Sanskrit session was held. Dr. Ramanbhai Pathak, Dr. Yogesh Oza, Dr. Meenabahen Pathak and Dr. J.K. Bhatt presented review of three Sanskrit books written by devotees and members.Shri Nilkanth Joshi and Shri Kailash Joshi gave a brief account of the youth activities. Sushri Jyotibahen Thanki and Dr. Tanna elaborated on "Sarvangi Shikshan". They informed about the work done so far in various colleges of North Gujarat and emphasized the need for such activities in other colleges to enlighten the youth and teachers and described the modalities to be followed for the work.After lunch all the participants were taken to Gangnath temple, about 65 km away from Baroda, where Sri Aurobindo had met Swami Brahmanandji.The Women Council wing of Vadodara Branch organised a musical evening of devotional songs with Shri Himanshu Desai.A "Gyan Shivir" was organised from 27 to 28 Dec 2009. Shri Sharad Bhai Joshi spoke on "Sadhna of Transformation" in two sessions on 27 Dec 2009. In the evening Vallabha Vidyanagar group rendered devotional songs.28 Dec 2009 Mrs. Pushpaben Bhatt gave a talk on "Savitri" in two sessions. In the evening Miss. Vibha Vaishnav gave a power point presentation on "Self Transformation".About 65 people attended the programme.The programme was conducted for youth who are facing problems in their spiritual life, academic life and future career and their solution was given under the light of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo by Shri Mansinhbhai Chavda. The programme was conducted on 26 Jan 2010 at "Maa Sri Arvind Sadhana Kendra" - Rajkot. It was a session for one & half hour i.e. 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm were more than 20 participants took benefit of this programme. We are extremely sorry for not taking any photographs.Deep Pragatya
View of the participants
There were workshops on Integral education on 26 Feb 2010 and Garbha Sansakar and Bal Uchher on 8 March at Dr V R Godhaniya B.ed College, Porbandar. Sri Jyotiben Thanki and Jignesh Prashnani organised the workshops. 150 students participated.The 18th Anniversary of the enshrinement of the sacred Relics was celebrated by the Guntur Branch on 9 Dec 2009 with meditation around the Shrine which was followed by a talk by Shri Y. Swaroopkumar on 'Planes and Parts of the being and growth of Consciousness'.On the New Year after meditation with the Mother's voice a talk was given by Shri Koneru Venkateswar Rao on the Mother and Sri Aurobindo's mission. Ashram and Society books were exhibited. Mother's calendar and Prasad were distributed.15 and 16 May 2010 a Youth Camp will be conducted at the Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, 110 Gangadhar Chetty Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore - 560 042. Boys and girls between age group 16 to 30 years can join. The camp will be residential and free of cost. Prof. Kittu Reddy from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry, will be conducting the programme in English.The subject for the youth camp will be "Psychology of Social Development & Ideal of Human Unity". It will deal with the psychological evolution and, the knowledge of life's secrets that are necessary to understand how to live life harmoniously.Persons interested in participating may please contact S.S Lahiri ( 09980519855), programme co-ordinator, with their bio-data and passport size photograph. The e-mail ID and phone numbers of Sri Aurobindo Bhavan, Bangalore are given below for your information: (08025559885 / 25599050).On 1 Jan 2010 New Year and Prosperity Day were celebrated at Sri Aurobindo Complex with group meditation from 7:00 to 7:30 am followed by distribution of Message Cards & Prasadam.On 26 Jan 2010 Republic day was celebrated at Mirambika School for New Age. Sri Ajit Sabnis, Chairman, MSFNA hoisted the Flag. Kum. Akshaya Damodaran read out the importance of Republic Day. Students of MSFNA sung the Patriotic songs of India. Students & staff participated in the programme.From 1 Feb to 7 Feb 2010 a talk on "Savitri" by Prof. T. Ramakrishna, Director, Sri Aurobindo Centre for Education in Human Values & Indian Academy Group of Institutions, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru was arranged at Sri Aurobindo Complex, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru. Many devotees attended the programme.On 15 Feb 2010 Jyothi Prasaran was arranged by MSFNA. Sri Ajit Sabnis inaugurated the programme and addressed the students. Symbolic lamps which representing knowledge of light were handed over by the teachers to the outgoing Class X students. In turn, they transmitted to Class IX students.21 Feb 2010 Mother's Birth Anniversary was celebrated. Group meditation followed by distribution of Message Cards, News Letter & Prasadam. Talk delivered on "Man in the Universe" by Sri Ajit Sabnis. (Visual presentation - An inspiration drawn from Sri Aurobindo's "The Life Divine").A view of the programme
A programme under the title ''Sri Aurobindo: Confluence of Nationalism and Spirituality'', held at Govt. Subhash school of excellence at Bhopal, on 2 January 2010. Shri Manoj Sharma, Shri D N Sharma and Shri R J Mourya spoke on different aspects of Sri Aurobindo's yoga. Approx. 300 students and staff attended the programme. Exhibition on the same topic was also displayed.The Birth Anniversary of the Mother was celebrated on 21 Feb 2010, with meditation, devotional songs and talks. Dr. (Smt.) Kalpana Bidwaikar spoke on "The Divine Mother" and Shri D. Ghoshal spoke on "Savitri".
Andhra Pradesh State Conference at Tenali
The 15th Annual Conference of all Centres and Branches of the Society in Andhra Pradesh was held at Tenali on 27 and 28 Feb 2010. On 27 the conference commenced with meditation followed by a march past by the students of Sri Aurobindo Vidya Kendram, Tenali, and hoisting of the Mother's flag. Shri Pradeep Narang, Chairman of Sri Aurobindo Society presided over the inaugural session. Shri B. Venkatramaiah, Chairman of the A.P. State Committee and Shri V. Subbarao, Secretary & Treasurer narrated the activities of the Society in the state. Shri N. Manohar, Honourable Dy. Speaker of A.P. State Assembly, was the chief guest.
On 28 Feb, the first session was on "Integral Education". After a brief introductory talk by Shri K. Bhaskara Rao on the importance of integral education, Smt. Padmasri, a teacher of Sri Aurobindo Vidya Kendram, explained in detail all the practical aspects of integral education. The rest of the day was mostly spent in discussing organizational matters such as the present status of Centres and Branches in the State, steps to be taken to overcome the deficiencies steps already taken and those proposed to be taken to celebrate the two great events viz., golden jubilee of the Society and the centenary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Puducherry etc.The Mother's Birth Anniversary on 21 Feb 2010 was celebrated, with hoisting of the Mother's flag, collective meditation, flower offerings etc. Shri Subroto Ghosh, Executive Director of IOC Ltd., Digboi was the chief guest of the function. Shri Dibakar Bhattacharjee, Addl. Secretary, read out from the book 'The Mother' while Mrs. Jyotirmayee Aditya, Secretary & Treasurer chanted a few lines from Sri Aurobindo's immortal epic 'Savitri'.Sri Aurobindo visited Amravati on 26 January 1907, during the independence movement. To make people aware of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Amravati, a 3-day lecture series was organised from 29 to 31 January 2010. Jyotiben Thanki from Porbandar Gujarat was the main speaker.Jyotiben Thanki delivered a talk in Vidha Bharati College of Amravati also.
Borivli, Mumbai (Maharashtra)There are regular study-sessions every Saturday between 7:30pm and 8:30pm, reading 'Conversations' from The Mother's writings, and discussions amongst the members with active participation by almost everyone. 'All India Magazine' is read on every fourth Saturday of the month, and discuss the topic on hand.
The Mother's Birth Anniversary was celebrated on 21 Feb 2010 in the hall of Arya Women P.G. College Varanasi. Prof. Harikesh Singh spoke on "Mother: Her Life and Mission". In Purna Yoga Peeth, Chetganj, Varanasi Prof. Gangadhar Sharma spoke on "The Mother: Her Divinity" followed with collective mediation.On 21 Feb 2010, meditation was held at 8:00 am at the Shrine. A seminar on 'Mother on Women' was organised at 3:30 pm in the hall of Ramraji Girls Inter College, Sultanpur. Dr. J.P. Singh, Dr. A.K. Singh, Dr. Ranjna Singh and Dr. D.D. Pandey were the speakers.![]()
A conference was organised by the Rudrapur Centre on 6 and 7 March 2010. Inaugural speech was delivered by Shri D S Chauhan Vice Chancellor Uttarakhand Technical University. Shri Vijay Poddar Chairman SAS Zonal Committee (Hindi) presided over the function. Two days conference covered the following topics:
a) Object of life: Dr. J.P. Singh and Dr Brijwala Singhb) Foundation of Indian Culture: Dr. S.C.Tyagi and Dr.Archana Modic) Necessity of Renaissance of Indian Culture: Shri Manoj Sharma and Dr D.P. Singh
About 200 people attended the conference. Smt Madhavi Chandolikar of Indore sung Bhajans on 6 in the evening.
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