National Seminar on Sri Aurobindo's Contributions toward a Global Culture March 27-29, 2010 Centenary Celebrations of Sri Aurobindo’s Arrival in Pondicherry (April 4, 2010 )
A National Seminar Organised by Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research (SACAR), Puducherry
Art and Culture at the Seminar
A photographic exhibition depicting many moods and movements of Indian classical dance forms is on display at SACAR, second floor hall. This exhibit is organised by Sri Geetagovinda Pratishthana. The exhibition timings are 9:30-12:00 , 3:30-5:00 .
A special dance programme by Meera Dance Academy will be held at SACAR on March 29th, 2010 , at 7:00pm . The programme will include Odissi and Bharatnatyam performances, choreographed by Ms. Sangeeta Dass.
11:15-11:45 Discussion Panel I: Contemporary Social Issues in India Chairperson: Beloo Mehra
Georges Van Vrekhem, Beloo Mehra, Jamshed Mavalwala
Discussion Questions: 1. What are some of the most urgent issues or problems facing Indian society?
2. What are some possible solutions to these problems in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s thought?
12:15-12:45 Discussion Panel II: Searching for India ’s Nation-Soul Chairperson: Kittu Reddy
Kittu Reddy, K. Srinivas, Bhagwandas Lahoti
Discussion Questions: 1. What is the potential and possibility for an alternative political system for India ?
2. What are the prospects and challenges for a united South Asia ?
3. What is India ’s nation-soul and how do we work toward discovering it?
Murali Sivaramakrishna, Poetry, Politics, Spirituality:
The Aurobindian Poetics—Theory and Praxis Sampadananda Mishra, Sri Aurobindo's Original Writings in Sanskrit
Chairperson: Murali Sivaramakrishna
Murali Sivaramakrishna, R Y Deshpande, Sampadananda Mishra
Discussion Questions: 1. What is the nature and extent of the influence of Sri Aurobindo on contemporary poetry and poets?
2. In what ways have Sri Aurobindo’s poetry and poetics opened the way for the future course of Indian and world literature?
Vinod Balakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, the Literary Critic
Shruti Bidwaikar, Sri Aurobindo on the Importance of Poet, Text and Reader
Sraddhalu Ranade, Binu Mukherjee, Joss Brooks
Discussion Questions: 1. What is Sri Aurobindo’s vision for the future of science in general?
2. What is the extent and nature of the usefulness of science in the discovery of the higher levels of consciousness?
Alok Pandey, Aster Patel, S. M. Joshi
Discussion Questions: 1. What is the nature and extent of the inspiration and influence of Sri Aurobindo’s vision of spirit and matter on science and scientists?
2. What are the possibilities and prospects of bridging science and spirituality?
Chhalamayi Reddy, Prabhjot Kulkarni, Deepshikha Reddy
Discussion Questions: 1. How is Integral Education different from other philosophies and systems of “holistic” education?
2. What are the challenges in practically applying some of the principles of Integral Education in the mainstream educational system of India ?
Indrani Sanyal, Does the Universe Provide for Morality? The Life Divine Weltanschauung
Gitanjali JB, Recovery of the Indian Scriptures by Sri Aurobindo
Vladimir, Indrani Sanyal, Ananda Reddy
Discussion Questions: 1. What are the prospects and problems in bringing Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy from the level of mind to life and living – on the individual and collective levels?
2. What are some common misunderstandings of Integral philosophy and how to avoid those?
Joseba, Rhythms of The Human Cycle applied to Auroville Pashi Kapoor, Auroville: An Experiment in Human Unity Pradeep Narang, Reflections on Living out the Vision
Alok Pandey, Joseba, Pashi Kapoor, Tine, Pradeep Narang
Discussion Questions: 1. How are Ashram and Auroville contributing to the movement toward a deeper, inner human unity?
2. What are the challenges in practicing collective yoga? What lessons may be learned the experiences of Ashram and Auroville?
3:15-3:45 Discussion Panel III: Practicing Integral Yoga Psychology Chairperson: Soumitra Basu
Larry Seidlitz, Soumitra Basu, Manasi Pahwa, Jamshed Mavalwala
Discussion Questions: 1. What is the nature of the influence of Integral Yoga on the field of psychology?
2. What are the challenges in applying Integral Yoga Psychology as a therapy?
SACAR is NOT an institution of religious education. It is important to emphasize that the philosophy and thought of Sri Aurobindo in which SACAR specialises is NOT a religion. This integral thought addresses the global and perennial questions of the nature and significance of existence and human life in a scholarly manner.
Where and Who

The following are the key participants in the work of the University and of S.A.C.A.R.
Dr. Ananda Reddy (Managing Trustee, Director of the University)
Dr. Dhananjay Reddy (Trustee)
Ms. Manorama Vira (Member)
Dr. Alok Pandey (Member)
Professor M.V. Nadkarni
Professor Arabinda Basu
Mr. Michel Danino
Professor Sachidananda Mohanty
Dr. A. S. Dalal
Professor N. Jayashanmugam
Dr. Soumitra Basu (Integral Psychotherapy)
Dr. Ananda Reddy (Managing Trustee, Director of the University)
Dr. Dhananjay Reddy (Trustee)
Ms. Manorama Vira (Member)
Dr. Alok Pandey (Member)
Professor M.V. Nadkarni
Professor Arabinda Basu
Mr. Michel Danino
Professor Sachidananda Mohanty
Dr. A. S. Dalal
Professor N. Jayashanmugam
Dr. Soumitra Basu (Integral Psychotherapy)
Dr. Goutam Ghoshal (Literature and Literary Criticism)
Jan Maslow (Integral Yoga Psychology)
Dr. Daryl Paulson (Theory of Social Development)
Dr. Ananda Reddy (Sri Aurobindo's Social and Political Thought)
Professor Kittu Reddy (Sri Aurobindo's Social and Political Thought)
Dr. Don Salmon (Integral Yoga Psychology)
Dr. Larry Seidlitz (Lights on Indian Scriptures, Integral Yoga Psychology)
Dr. Larry Seidlitz (Lights on Indian Scriptures, Integral Yoga Psychology)
Dr. Girija Shettar (Sri Aurobindo's Integral Metaphysics and Integral Yoga Psychology)
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